Frequently Asked Questions

Individual and group therapy for children, teens, and adults.

I specialize in anxiety and related disorders, including: Generalized Anxiety, Selective Mutism, Separation Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, PTSD, etc. Treatments for these disorders have been highly researched and shown to be effective for many people.

Services at Rock Creek Psychological Center, LLC may be covered by out of network benefits. You can file a once-monthly “super bill” with your insurance carrier and receive a portion of what you paid back. 

To begin therapy, you will first need to answer some questions over the phone to make sure that Rock Creek Psychological Center, LLC will be able to meet your needs. Next, if it seems like a good fit, you will need to complete an “intake” session which usually lasts around 1.5-2 hours. After this intake session, we will discuss a plan for treatment, including frequency of sessions (typically once per week). 

Sessions are 45-minute or 1-hour, typically once per week.

The short answer is yes. Depending on the age of the child, the extent of parent-involvement will vary.
